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Mineral Processing

HPSA can be used as a “plug and play” unit in the grinding/regrind stage of the processing circuit (which comprises approximately 40% of overall mineral processing costs), replacing the need for ball mills, rod mills, and attrition scrubbers. Replacement of energy intensive mills provides an opportunity to reduce CAPEX, OPEX, and overall emissions in processing circuits. HPSA technology can be applied to any circuit with minerals exhibiting bi-modal hardness.

Continuous HPSA unit installed in phosphate mill to replace rod mill.
Relevant Case Studies:
Minerals Processing


HPSA can be used to remediate the estimated 15,000 abandoned uranium mines (AUMs) scattered throughout the Western U.S. HPSA has been validated as a viable treatment technology for AUM waste by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Navajo Nation EPA, and Idaho National Lab (INL). HPSA technology uses a mechanical process (that is, without chemicals) to remove radionuclides and metals from mine waste at AUM sites. HPSA technology is designed to treat mine waste and results in two solid media outputs: 1) a large volume of coarse fraction material containing sand liberated of mineralized coating; and 2) a smaller volume of concentrated fines fraction containing the liberated radionuclides and metals.

HPSA test unit deployed to Navajo Nation for Treatability Study.
Relevant Case Studies:


HPSA can be used to re-process tailings as its unique application of energy through particle-to-particle collisions generates virgin surfaces, improving grade and recovery in flotation processes. HPSA utilizes processed ore as its intrinsic grinding media and can improve recoveries and grades without overgrinding. Tailings material is a prime candidate for HPSA as the material can be directly introduced into the HPSA system for treatment.

Commercial HPSA unit deployed to treat filter sand media for re-use.
Relevant Case Studies:

Testing Capabilities

Testing Capabilities

Sample Preparation and Comminution

Sample Blending/Splitting
Particle Size Distribution Analysis, Sieving
Ball and Rod Milling
Bond Work Index (BWi)
Physical Beneficiation, Separations and Liberation

Froth Flotation
Gravity Separation
Magnetic/ Electrostatic Separation
Solid/ Liquid Separation
High-Pressure Slurry Ablation
Attrition Scrubbing
Additional Testing and Analysis

Pyrometallurgy and Hydrometallurgy
Sands Analysis
Atterberg's Limits
Specific Gravity
Elemental Analysis- XRF, FAA, CVAA, ICP-OES, Radiochemical
Mineralogical Analysis- XRD, QEMSCAN, MLA/AMICS by SEM, Optical Microscopy
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